Veterans building relationships, one home at a time
Renovation & Repairs
May 18, 2022
I love fixing decks!! A lot of the inquiries I’ve been getting is about fixing existing decks. What I end up discovering when I arrive is that the deck was built with sub standard materials. When you buy treated pine thinking its going to last forever because its treated…. please consider where you live and the type of climate you will be subjecting the deck to because dry rot will win out in the end.
The owners of this deck faced another dilemma, the roof was connected to the deck so when the deck subsided, so did the roof.
So with a lot of lateral thinking and dark humour, ’I Can Fix That’ got to work straight away, bracing, digging, cutting, welding, concreting, thinking – thinking – thinking and some good old fashion hard yakka, we fixed the deck and roof!!!
All up, I spent two weeks on this job and just look at the finished product!
The deck was saved, new steel stumps replaced the old cedar ones, the cedar post were saved and tied into the steel stumps and the old fascia plate doubling up as the end bearer was removed stage by stage and replaced with a dedicated bearer and separate fascia plate.
Stainless steel cable and fittings replaced the old railing and a new hardwood balustrade tied everything together. The stairs and landing had to be completely replaced with steel posts and hardwood floor joists , making it a safe staircase that will last the test of time.
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